For this speech, I had a lot of fun trying to think about what I was going to talk about and listening to my peers about their radical ideas. I think this speech was my favorite out of all of them because it was a genre I have never thought about. It challenged me and made me think harder because it took me a little while to understand the concept of a radical idea.
One thing I'd like me to really work on specifically is giving myself a week in advance, to just spend at least 30 minutes each day practicing and practicing. I feel like the day comes, and I get all jittery because I do not feel prepared enough. I know what I'm saying in advance but I'm not as confident as I'd like to be. I want to feel more comfortable by stuttering less, and knowing that I've rehearsed this so many times there isn't anything to worry about.
Looking out at the audience:
When I have looked at my past three videos of my speeches, I have noticed I don't look at the audience as much as I'd like. I can agree that it is only improving but I want to really nail this last speech we have by not having to glance over a notecard or look at my computer screen when I'm talking. I want to give great eye contact and really prove I know what I'm talking about.
More enthusiasm:
When I watched my video over and over, I noticed I found myself a bit bored even though I'm the one talking. I need to really pick up my voice and get some excitement flowing so I can keep my audience entertained throughout the entire presentation. I want people to want to listen and want people to be interested and I feel like I need to really work on bringing some enthusiasm into my presentations.
Using "Um"
I noticed when I'm trying to think of what I am saying, I replace the silence with the word um. I know this is common for a lot of people but it's a pet peeve of mine when it happens so often. I do it a lot in the video and I want to stop it. I know I can stop it if I practice more because I will be more confident.
I need to stop waiting till the day before to make my prezi and rehearse my speech. I know my speech would be 100 times better if I gave it more time and effort beforehand. I know that it would pay off and I am going to put an end to it so I can do well on my last speech.
Have a prezi or powerpoint:
I find that having a prezi or powerpoint helps me present my speech so much better. It may be more work than required but it makes me present with more confidence than I would have if I didn't create one and take that time. It makes me less nervous because I know I can always read a point and think about that idea and main argument I had for that certain point.
Hand Gestures:
I think I do a pretty good job keeping my hand gestures going, and not just standing their awkwardly reading without any hand movements or gestures. I think it makes me get more into what I am talking about and makes people focus a little more on me.
Time limit:
I have hit the time limit almost every speech and I want to continue doing well with that. I think it's an important part of learning how to do these speeches and a big part of the grade. I practiced a couple times making sure I would get that time limit each time and I want to continue that.
Perez: Perez was prepared and you could tell that because he pretty much only had pictures on his slide. He hardly had words and hardly had to look at the slide to remember what he was talking about. He would just glance here and there to make sure he's on the right slide and talked about everything necessary.
Ryan: The enthusiasm Ryan had and that amount of information he had made his presentation super interesting and not boring. It was enjoyable to watch and had lots of facts to prove his argument of his radical idea.
Sarah: Sarah's presentation was very interesting and caught my attention because I wasn't sure how she was going to be able to prove her radical idea. It was a humorous idea but also made it on a serious note.
I think overall everyone did a really good job and that everyone persuaded me in the long run. I had a lot of fun listening to everyone's ideas and thought everyone is really stepping up and came a long way from their first speech.