Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Comm Podcast/ Portfolio

So here's my portfolio/podcast, the only way I could get it to download off garageband was through sound cloud since for some reason iTunes wasn't working for me. 
It says it's a little longer than it really is, not sure why. Sorry about the length anyways, didn't realize, but wanted to get everything mentioned. But thank you for a great semester!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Speech 4 reflection

Start. Stop. Continue.

When I looked at the video of our group, I realized that our group didn't look as ready as we thought we were. I think the reason for this was not because we didn't practice enough but because we started to get a bit nervous together and didn't present like we did when no one was watching.
I think we had a great idea and I really like where we were going with it.

Preparation- I think we prepared enough before but I think we could have really prepared ourselves to do a much better job and show that we put in more effort than it looked like we did. Other people's presentations were all out and made us look bad and I would like to start being one of those groups that stuns the audience of how good the presentation was.

More enthusiasm- I think we may have bored the audience a little because we weren't that exciting. I think it could have used some more excitement and enthusiasm to keep peoples attention. We could have got in more character and acted things out a lot better, and that is something I want to improve for any future speeches.

Look confident/relaxed- I think when I'm on stage I need to stop fidgeting and just relax and talk like I normally would. You can tell I'm nervous and that my voice is shaky here and there. I can also tell when I'm speaking you can tell I'm tensed up and it would look so much better if I was more confident.

Being short- I feel like I automatically assume that people know what is going on inside my brain and where I am coming from without a great explanation and expanding my thoughts. I feel like I'm short and leave people in confusion at times because I don't expand my thoughts enough.

Gestures- I think every time I perform especially in the last two speeches that I have good hand gestures and posture even though I was a bit nervous. I think this is a good thing to continue on doing because looking awkward makes people focus more on your body language than your words.

AI- had a movie that they created which was super interesting and I thought did an incredible job
Tag off- Used a slogan that they kept on mentioning and would get stuck in your head which is a great idea for people to remember!
The dump- the PTA meeting was a great and clever idea. I thought they did a great job as well!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Speech Outline

Group: Connor, Maddie, Nestor

Idea: Brew Bike (Party Bike Tour)

Company: Santa Barbara Brewing Company

Start off by stating the initial want, idea, how it works, why, pros and cons of how it benefits society.

Reason: Learn about Santa Barbara, getting a tour, safe way to drink while bar hopping. It's fun.

The deal: $9000-$11,000 of bike, partnership provide food and beverages for the tour. SBCC gets their name in the business in and help the company attract more businesses. Get a portion of the ticket price ($25-$30).

Route: Down State St., Up the Pier, along the beach, to the court house, back down State St. and return to SBCC.

Roles: Nestor- Investor, Makena- Investor, Maddie- SB police department, Connor- CEO

Monday, April 4, 2016

Start. Stop. Continue.

For this speech, I had a lot of fun trying to think about what I was going to talk about and listening to my peers about their radical ideas. I think this speech was my favorite out of all of them because it was a genre I have never thought about. It challenged me and made me think harder because it took me a little while to understand the concept of a radical idea.

One thing I'd like me to really work on specifically is giving myself a week in advance, to just spend at least 30 minutes each day practicing and practicing. I feel like the day comes, and I get all jittery because I do not feel prepared enough. I know what I'm saying in advance but I'm not as confident as I'd like to be. I want to feel more comfortable by stuttering less, and knowing that I've rehearsed this so many times there isn't anything to worry about.

Looking out at the audience:
When I have looked at my past three videos of my speeches, I have noticed I don't look at the audience as much as I'd like. I can agree that it is only improving but I want to really nail this last speech we have by not having to glance over a notecard or look at my computer screen when I'm talking. I want to give great eye contact and really prove I know what I'm talking about.

More enthusiasm:
When I watched my video over and over, I noticed I found myself a bit bored even though I'm the one talking. I need to really pick up my voice and get some excitement flowing so I can keep my audience entertained throughout the entire presentation. I want people to want to listen and want people to be interested and I feel like I need to really work on bringing some enthusiasm into my presentations.

Using "Um"
I noticed when I'm trying to think of what I am saying, I replace the silence with the word um. I know this is common for a lot of people but it's a pet peeve of mine when it happens so often. I do it a lot in the video and I want to stop it. I know I can stop it if I practice more because I will be more confident.

I need to stop waiting till the day before to make my prezi and rehearse my speech. I know my speech would be 100 times better if I gave it more time and effort beforehand. I know that it would pay off and I am going to put an end to it so I can do well on my last speech.

Have a prezi or powerpoint: 
I find that having a prezi or powerpoint helps me present my speech so much better. It may be more work than required but it makes me present with more confidence than I would have if I didn't create one and take that time. It makes me less nervous because I know I can always read a point and think about that idea and main argument I had for that certain point.

Hand Gestures:
I think I do a pretty good job keeping my hand gestures going, and not just standing their awkwardly reading without any hand movements or gestures. I think it makes me get more into what I am talking about and makes people focus a little more on me.

Time limit: 
I have hit the time limit almost every speech and I want to continue doing well with that. I think it's an important part of learning how to do these speeches and a big part of the grade. I practiced a couple times making sure I would get that time limit each time and I want to continue that.

Perez: Perez was prepared and you could tell that because he pretty much only had pictures on his slide. He hardly had words and hardly had to look at the slide to remember what he was talking about. He would just glance here and there to make sure he's on the right slide and talked about everything necessary.
Ryan: The enthusiasm Ryan had and that amount of information he had made his presentation super interesting and not boring. It was enjoyable to watch and had lots of facts to prove his argument of his radical idea.
Sarah: Sarah's presentation was very interesting and caught my attention because I wasn't sure how she was going to be able to prove her radical idea. It was a humorous idea but also made it on a serious note.

I think overall everyone did a really good job and that everyone persuaded me in the long run. I had a lot of fun listening to everyone's ideas and thought everyone is really stepping up and came a long way from their first speech.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Speech 3 Draft


I've been trying to put a lot of thought into what I want to do for my 3rd speech, but the only thing I've really been interested about is:

You can only marry once in your lifetime.

My draft isn't as specific as I'd like but that's because I'm still trying to find something that strikes my interest more, but as of now here's what I would talk about if I continue to go with this subject.

Intro slide: what it means to marry

2nd slide: how many people divorce, the statistics from now and before and how common it is currently because they know they can divorce and marry again if they want.

3rd slide: How you should only love one person only for the rest of your life once you make that commitment/promise. If you chose to divorce you can't get married ever again.

4th slide: It would make people push through their problems more, instead of taking the easy way out when things get hard and divorcing so they can find a new wife/husband.

5th slide: It would mean more when getting married when they know that they can only do this once with one person. You have to be 100% positive

6th slide: There would be a higher rate of people whose families are still together.

Still looking for some more ideas.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Start. Stop. Continue Speech 2

      For my second speech, I chose to write it on the pump up speech genre. This speech was motivational as well inspirational. When I started this speech I was way less nervous than speech one. I was calm and not as afraid and intimidated as I used to be. I think it helped me knowing I had a prezi to remind me of my main points. My biggest problem when doing speech one was blanking out on what I was going to say so I started stuttering. I am overall proud on how I did, and understand I still need to work on a few things but think I'm improving as each speech goes on and getting more confident.


  • As I mentioned above, I said how much more confident I was than the first speech, but I need to start getting so nervous before I go up to present. I fear of getting called on, and I hope I can improve that.
  • I need to start being more enthusiastic of what I'm saying. I had a good tone but I think it could improve to get more peoples attention.
  • I need to give more background knowledge before presenting so more people understand why I am presenting this and show that I really put in research and effort into this presentation.
  • For this speech particularly, I needed to include more moves. I don't think I provided enough considering we were talking about moves and conventions for a solid two weeks of class.
  • Also for this speech, I wish I wouldn't have walked away from the computer more like presenters do, but I forgot to since I had to click next to switch the slides, but that would have made my performance better.

  • I need to stop saying "um" when I can't think what I am about to say because it just sounds really bad.
  • I need to stop reading off the screen and memorizing more so I can look more professional and aware of what I am talking about. 
  • I had a lot of hand gestures which is sometimes good, but I think at one point there were too many going on and it looked weird. 

  • I want to continue meeting the time limit expectation. I reached 5 minutes and 20 seconds which is pretty good since it wasn't 30 seconds before or after 5.
  • I want to continue keeping a good pace on how fast I am talking. I exceeded the expectations of that and was really happy about that.
  • Keeping good body language and having some gestures.
  • Being creative about my topic and talking about certain items within that topic.
  • Not blanking out as much and getting more confident
Two moves other students had:

  • Taka: had an inspirational and motivational speech, and used hand gestures as well as explained his genre well, and related his topic affected him when he used to play baseball.
  • Daisy: did a campus guide, and she used gestures like walking back and using her hands just like a tour guide would. She memorized her work, and used an exciting voice tone to keep others attention.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Speech 2 Outline

Genre: Pump-up Speech
(informative, persuasive)

I chose this genre because I was a soccer player for 14 years and I thought this genre was something I knew about pretty well.

1. The Pre-game speech

  • Get them all together and close, maybe huddled up if you prefer
  • Get them excited, talk about how much fun they are about to have as well as telling them that they can beat this team they are about to play
  • Make sure they know how hard they've been working and this is what for.
  • Do a chant to get them pumped up and loud
  • Get them energized
2.  Half- Time Speech
  • Tell them what a good job they've been doing
  • Ask if anyone has any suggestions
  • Explain to them what they need to keep doing
  • Explain to them what they need to start doing
  • Give them strategies
  • Get the rallied up and excited again so that they continue to be fired up and energized 
3. Post- Game Speech
  • Whether win or lose tell the team how proud they should be of themselves
  • Ask questions to the team what they think we need to do differently
  • Tell them what I expect from them and want I want them to continue
  • Tell them what needs to change and be worked on 
  • Adjustments being made
  • Reward the most valuable player of the day, that way each person tries their hardest in order to try and win that award each game
  • End speech with a good job to everyone, and inform them the next time they need to show up
What this speech consists of having: talking loudly, aggression, throwing and kicking, gesticulating, call and response, being supportive, giving advice.