Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Speech 2 Outline

Genre: Pump-up Speech
(informative, persuasive)

I chose this genre because I was a soccer player for 14 years and I thought this genre was something I knew about pretty well.

1. The Pre-game speech

  • Get them all together and close, maybe huddled up if you prefer
  • Get them excited, talk about how much fun they are about to have as well as telling them that they can beat this team they are about to play
  • Make sure they know how hard they've been working and this is what for.
  • Do a chant to get them pumped up and loud
  • Get them energized
2.  Half- Time Speech
  • Tell them what a good job they've been doing
  • Ask if anyone has any suggestions
  • Explain to them what they need to keep doing
  • Explain to them what they need to start doing
  • Give them strategies
  • Get the rallied up and excited again so that they continue to be fired up and energized 
3. Post- Game Speech
  • Whether win or lose tell the team how proud they should be of themselves
  • Ask questions to the team what they think we need to do differently
  • Tell them what I expect from them and want I want them to continue
  • Tell them what needs to change and be worked on 
  • Adjustments being made
  • Reward the most valuable player of the day, that way each person tries their hardest in order to try and win that award each game
  • End speech with a good job to everyone, and inform them the next time they need to show up
What this speech consists of having: talking loudly, aggression, throwing and kicking, gesticulating, call and response, being supportive, giving advice. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Start. Stop. Continue.

Pre Speech- In my pre-speech, I was talking about how I want the new CEO of apple, Tim Cook to start creating an indestructible phone or an unbreakable screen. I mentioned how I was currently stuck in a elevator with him, and how it was funny considering I am just leaving the mall from getting my phone screen replaced. It was pretty brief but it was clear enough to inform others what was going on, what's my main point and what I was going to talk about.


Having more confidence

  • In my speech, you could tell I wasn't confident enough which lacked how much I persuaded not only Tim Cook, but also the audience. I was fidgeting around too much and talking nervously. I could have stood differently giving myself a more confident look and talked as if I was talking to my mom instead of sounding like I'm talking to the President of the United States.
Good body posture

  • I need to start learning how to control my fidgeting and stand with good posture instead of looking like I'm a complete nervous wreck. I need to stand straight up and look presentable and really emphasize I am prepared and ready to talk to this person. It would come off so much more convincing. 

  • I need to start memorizing what I am going to say a bit more as I overlooked my notecards too much which made me look bad. I need to remember what I am going to say ahead of time so that the notecard is only there for me when I am really struggling and can't think of one of my points. This is because if it were real life, the person I'm trying to convince wouldn't be too thrilled I can't even think of it on the top of my head and need a notecard to help me get by to prove a point. 
Creating Next Steps

  • I told Tim Cook to create a indestructible phone, or an unbreakable glass screen, but gave him no tips on how he could do so. Next time, it'd be better if I gave him an idea of where to begin or start. For example I just looked up a type of glass that doesn't break easily and could have told him to start with that. 
Use of Opposing Perspectives

  • I should start including what the opposing side has to say and thinking of their perspective. I didn't do this enough in my speech and lacked on trying to show this. I need to get more information on the opposing perspectives and rebuttal.
Eye Contact

  • I need to look more into the audience then the note card. I felt like I looked down a bit too often and need to start looking at my audience that I am talking to more. Even when I did look out to the audience I found myself more looking at the back wall of the classroom than peoples eye's. 

Blanking out

  • I need to stop blanking out. This is a huge issue for me and I need to control it. I need to stop getting myself so nervous that when I get up there, I freeze. I forget everything I was about to say, but I think if I practice enough in front of others, this issue will go away. 

  • When watching myself in the video, I thought to myself why am I fidgeting so much! I am never standing up straight and tall because I'm constantly moving my hand or touching my hair or itching my nose. This brought down my confidence level which needs to stop.
Repeating my statements

  • I felt that when I was up in front of the class performing my speech changed than what I had rehearsed. I got so nervous that I started out of order and found myself repeating some things over and over where it almost sounded too repetitive. 
Focus on not being nervous and shaky

  • I noticed I was insanely shaky due to being nervous. I need to control my nervousness and realize everyone is in the same boat as I am and you always get through it. Being nervous only destroys your performance but I know overtime I will gain more strength to not be so nervous.

Showing the purpose of my goal

  • I did really well on explaining what my goal was and how effective the goal will be if we achieve it. I need to continue being very clear on that because I think it's a good quality for a speech to have.

  • In my speech I was happy with how well I transitioned from point to point. I made a little story line so it would flow well and easily, which I hope in my future speeches I continue doing.
Reaching the time limit

  • I had lots of points to get me to not only convince the person in the elevator with me, but to reach the time limit that was assigned. I talked at a good pace as well where it wasn't too slow or too fast. 

Conclusion: I am very proud I got through my first speech. I didn't think I'd do as well as I did, but I could improve a lot. I was so nervous and I am hoping as time goes on that goes away and I become  more comfortable with the class and talking in front of others.