Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Comm Podcast/ Portfolio

So here's my portfolio/podcast, the only way I could get it to download off garageband was through sound cloud since for some reason iTunes wasn't working for me. 
It says it's a little longer than it really is, not sure why. Sorry about the length anyways, didn't realize, but wanted to get everything mentioned. But thank you for a great semester!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Speech 4 reflection

Start. Stop. Continue.

When I looked at the video of our group, I realized that our group didn't look as ready as we thought we were. I think the reason for this was not because we didn't practice enough but because we started to get a bit nervous together and didn't present like we did when no one was watching.
I think we had a great idea and I really like where we were going with it.

Preparation- I think we prepared enough before but I think we could have really prepared ourselves to do a much better job and show that we put in more effort than it looked like we did. Other people's presentations were all out and made us look bad and I would like to start being one of those groups that stuns the audience of how good the presentation was.

More enthusiasm- I think we may have bored the audience a little because we weren't that exciting. I think it could have used some more excitement and enthusiasm to keep peoples attention. We could have got in more character and acted things out a lot better, and that is something I want to improve for any future speeches.

Look confident/relaxed- I think when I'm on stage I need to stop fidgeting and just relax and talk like I normally would. You can tell I'm nervous and that my voice is shaky here and there. I can also tell when I'm speaking you can tell I'm tensed up and it would look so much better if I was more confident.

Being short- I feel like I automatically assume that people know what is going on inside my brain and where I am coming from without a great explanation and expanding my thoughts. I feel like I'm short and leave people in confusion at times because I don't expand my thoughts enough.

Gestures- I think every time I perform especially in the last two speeches that I have good hand gestures and posture even though I was a bit nervous. I think this is a good thing to continue on doing because looking awkward makes people focus more on your body language than your words.

AI- had a movie that they created which was super interesting and I thought did an incredible job
Tag off- Used a slogan that they kept on mentioning and would get stuck in your head which is a great idea for people to remember!
The dump- the PTA meeting was a great and clever idea. I thought they did a great job as well!